Clenbutero Hydrochloride is a powerful bronchodilator that is used to treat breathing disorders like asthma. While it’s been extremely successful in such treatment plans it has never been approved by the U.S. FDA. It is, however, approved and used in most other countries around the world. Some speculate the only reason Clenbuterol has never been approved by the U.S. FDA is due to there being no need. There are several other related medications, very closely related that are already approved for U.S. use.
Beyond treating breathing disorders, Clenbuterol is commonly used as a thermogenic. In fact, you will more than likely find more Clenbuterol use in fat loss plans than anywhere else. It is a very common fat burning tool used by many anabolic steroid users. It is a long standing favorite among competitive bodybuilders and other physique athletes during contest preparation. However, it is also used by non-steroid users for its fat loss properties. You do not have to use anabolic steroids to use this compound for fat loss. We only mention that because this has for some reason become a confusing point for some.

Clenbuterol Functions & Traits:
Clenbuterol Hydrochloride is a sympathomimetic that works on the sympathomimetic nervous system. There are several receptors in the body a sympathomimetic can act on. In the case of Clenbuterol, the beta-2 receptor is the area of interest and action. Clen, as it’s commonly known, actively stimulates the beta-2 receptor. Through such stimulation, this actively reverses airway obstructions and provides improved breathing for those who need it. This same stimulation can also be used to enhance the metabolic rate of the individual. Clenbuterol does not actively burn fat by attacking fat cells, but rather stimulates the metabolism by increasing the body’s temperature. This occurs due to the beta-2 stimulation stimulating the mitochondria of the cells to produce and release more heat. In turn, this heats up the body’s temperature (slightly), enhances the metabolism and causes the individual to burn body fat at a greater rate. In reality, the functions and traits of Clenbuterol are very simple and very straightforward.
Clenbuterol has also been noted for having a strong anabolic effect; however, things are not quite like they appear. Due to the potential anabolic effect, this has caused many to use the compound in hopes of gaining lean tissue. Commonly, many steroid users have used it as an anabolic protective agent during their post cycle therapy (PCT). There is, however, a problem with this type of use; it doesn’t work. Studies have shown that Clenbuterol has the ability to promote anabolic activity in animals. There have been several studies that have shown the anabolic activity of rats to increase when Clen is administered. However, there is no data that supports such anabolic activity provided when used by human beings. In fact, it has generally been proven useless in this regard as it pertains to human beings. When it comes to human Clenbuterol use, use as a bronchodilator and thermogenic are the only suitable purposes.
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Effects of Clenbuterol:
The effects of Clenbuterol on the asthmatic patient are as straightforward as can be. Use of the bronchodilator opens up the airways and enables the individual to breath. There are other breathing disorders that can benefit from Clenbuterol use, but asthma appears to be primary, and it is often a welcomed medication to those who suffer. This same improved breathing could also prove useful to some athletes, especially those who can benefit from enhanced cardiovascular endurance. However, we’re not talking about a strong, notable improvement and there are truly other methods that are far more suited for increasing cardiovascular endurance.
As a thermogenic, the effects of Clenbuterol are again very simple. As the body temperature increases, which again is due to the beta-2 stimulation, the individual is now able to burn calories at an enhanced rate. Body temperature goes up, the metabolism is enhanced, fat cells are stimulated due to the increase in temperature due to the now enhanced metabolism, the breakdown of triglycerides is now enhanced and fat loss occurs. It’s hard to get any simpler than that.
While Clenbuterol is a powerful fat loss agent, it is not magical and will not make a fat physique lean on its own. You still have to diet in order to lose body fat, and if you don’t, no fat loss will occur. In fact, even if you’re using Clenbuterol you will still find you need to diet just as hard as you would without it if you are going to lose body fat. This raises an important question; why use Clen? The idea behind Clenbuterol use as a thermogenic in simple terms it to take what you’re already doing right and to simply do it a little better. It’s not going to melt fat off your frame, but it can rev up the metabolism and help you burn fat at a more effective and efficient rate. If you are obese or at least significantly overweight, your best bet is to forgo Clenbuterol use until you are at least a little leaner. The best time to use Clen is once you’re already fairly lean in an effort to help you rid that last little body fat that often hangs on for dear life. When we dive into the side effects of Clenbuterol, we will find Clen can and should only be used for a set period of time, and it only makes sense to use it when it will be the most beneficial.
Due to Clenbuterol being best served for final touches in a fat loss plan, this is why you’ll see it in many physique based plans such as bodybuilding, figure, fitness or other related endeavors. It’s commonly used the last 8-10 weeks leading up to a competition, sometimes a little longer, but regardless of the specific time frame the individual is normally already fairly lean. For the average gym rat, one who doesn’t compete but is looking to lean out, we can make some slight exceptions. We’re not saying you have to be contest ready lean in order for their to be a benefit. If you’re already in fairly good shape and looking to lean out a little more, absolutely, Clenbuterol can prove useful. But if you truly have a lot of body fat to lose, you’ll be best served by waiting until your body fat is a little more under control.

Side Effects of Clenbuterol:
There are several possible side effects to Clenbuterol use, and the primary will surround its stimulating nature. No surprise, after all, Clen is a stimulant. The side effects of Clenbuterol can be very strong and often very annoying to say the least, and they will generally affect most people in one way or another. The most common side effects surround a jittery or wired feeling, shaky hands and increased sweating. Most all who use Clen will experience such effects to a degree, but they will commonly be very pronounced during the early stages of use. As the individual becomes accustomed to the stimulant, such related effects should begin to subside, but they will be so strong in some people that some will not be able to use it.
When using Clenbuterol, many often inaccurately assume that when the stimulating effects of Clen began to fade that the thermogenic effects are no longer working. Most will find that the stimulating effects will greatly subside after a week or so of use, but assuming the fat burning properties have vanished due to this lessened stimulation is highly inaccurate. The same dose of Clenbuterol Hydrochloride can actually keep the metabolism revved for as much as five weeks. Granted, by the fifth week mark it will be minimal as the body does most certainly adapt. Due to the body’s ability to adapt, necessarily adjustments must be made to use. We will go over adjustments, dosing plans and total plans of use in the Clenbuterol in the administration section.
The aforementioned side effects of Clenbuterol are the most common, but there are other possible effects of note. As with many stimulating substances, some will experience headaches as well as possible nausea. One of the more bothersome possible side effects of Clenbuterol Hydrochloride will be muscle cramps. Cramps are not exceedingly common, but they will affect many people. Athletes are often at the greatest risk due to the hard and often intense training they are already undertaking. Staying well hydrated is often enough to avoid or remedy this problem, but supplementing with taurine can also help. Clen has been shown to deplete taurine, so supplementation may be necessary for some. Some may also have issues with insomnia; in fact, some may find sleep becomes extremely difficult. Again, this is very common with many stimulating substances, but with Clen it can, for some, be impossible to avoid. Clen has an active half-life that stretches to the 34 hour mark, and that can make sleep impossible for some people. Many will, however, find if they take their Clen first thing in the morning they will not have any issues with sleep, but due to the long half-life some will find insomnia occurs regardless of when they take it.
The use of Clenbuterol Hydrochloride also carries with it possible side effects that can be severe; in fact, dangerous would be a more accurate description. Such effects are most commonly associated with abuse through high doses and far beyond recommended extended periods of use. The severe side effects of Clenbuterol include high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, trembling and even panic. Some studies have also shown that Clenbuterol abuse can also lead to cardiac hypertrophy, which could potentially lead to death. It is very possible to use this compound without such effects, but as with so many things in life it will require responsible use and a thorough understanding of Clen.

Clenbuterol Administration:
In a therapeutic setting, Clenbuterol doses will most commonly be 20mcg per day, with some requiring 40mcg per day. It is possible for some to need even more, but it is rare and generally only for a short period of time. This should, in most all cases, be enough Clen to correct related breathing issues, if not, alternative treatments may be needed.
In a performance setting as a thermogenic, Clenbuterol doses will start low and generally increase overtime due to a down regulation of the beta-receptor. Most men will find starting at 40mcg per day to be perfect. Many women may also be fine with this starting dose, but many will be far more comfortable with a starting dose of 20mcg per day. As the body adapts, the dose will need to increase in order to maintain the full fat loss benefits. There are several schools of thought on the best way to use Clen in a fat burning setting, but there are only three that really make any sense. All three will work very well, but you may need to try all three at separate times to find which one works best for you.
Two Week Rotation:
One of the most common methods of Clenbuterol use for fat loss purposes is two weeks on followed by two weeks off. This type of use will normally continue until the end goal is reached. The individual will start with the initial dose and increase it by 20mcg every few days until he has reached the maximum desired or needed dose. The individual will then hold at this dose the final days of the two week period and then discontinue all Clenbuterol use for two weeks. At the end of the two weeks with no Clen, the individual will begin the process again.
The two week rotation schedule is very effective, but there is also a problem. During the off periods you have no Clen in your system, and as a result, a two week period with a decreased metabolic rate. This does not mean you won’t be burning fat during the off week periods, as long as you’re dieting you should still lose fat, but you are giving up the enhancement.
Continuous Use:
Due to the body’s ability to adapt to Clenbuterol, continuous use is very hard for some to get their head around. When we consider that the stimulating effects of a noticeable nature began to wane first, the idea of continuous use for some doesn’t make any sense, but we assure you this method of use can work very well. Remember, the same dose of Clen can keep the metabolism revved for up to 5 weeks.
With this type of use, the individual will begin with the starting dose of 20-40mcg per day and hold at that dose for 2-3 weeks. At the end of the 2-3 week period, the individual will increase the dose by 20mcg and hold at that dose for another 2-3 weeks. From here, the individual will increase the dose 20mcg every 2-3 weeks as needed until the diet or total Clen use comes to an end. This type of use will keep your metabolism revved the entire time. It may not experience as great of an increase as would with a massive or very frequent increasing in dose schedule, but it will be a steady and continuous enhancement. There will be no period in the diet during Clenbuterol use that the individual doesn’t enjoy the metabolic enhancement.
In Between:
The final preferred method of Clenbuterol use falls in-between our other two discussed methods. This type of use will last for 4-6 weeks and can be an excellent way to use it for the individual who is only using it the last few weeks leading up to competition. The individual will start with 40mcg per day and increase periodically until he reaches the maximum desired or needed dose and will hold at the maximum dose the final 7-14 days of the plan. The increases in dosing will not be as dramatic as the two week rotation schedule but stronger than the continuous plan. At this stage, if more Clen is still needed, the individual will need to wait 4-6 weeks before beginning a new phase. This makes this type of use best for those who only need a short period of metabolic enhancement.
Regardless of the type of schedule you use, the maximum Clenbuterol dose will normally be 120mcg per day. Some may find 140mcg per day to be acceptable, especially some men, but no one should for any reason surpass the 140mcg per day mark if they are going to avoid cardiac damage. Regardless of the total dosing or plan of use you use, Clenbuterol use should be kept at no more than 16 weeks of total use. 16 weeks of total use per year should be your guide. For the individual competing in more than one show per year at different stages of the year, we can make exceptions. However, this individual should try to keep the total use as close to a 16 week total every 12 months as possible for safety reasons.

Availability of Clenbuterol:
Clenbuterol Hydrochloride is widely available, very affordable and extremely easy to find. However, there is no Clen manufactured in the U.S. and any one purporting to sell you U.S. brand Clenbuterol is lying to your face. There is no such product. As for international brands, they are in high supply and very easy to obtain. Most all anabolic steroid suppliers carry Clenbuterol, and it is rarely counterfeited. You will also find Clen is readily available from many suppliers of various medications outside the anabolic steroid market. The black market supply of true pharmacy grade Clenbuterol Hydrochloride is extremely high, especially online.
Another option for a Clenbuterol purchase is through a research chemical lab (RCL). RCL’s have in recent years popped up all over the online market and are legally allowed to sell items like Clen and other non-scheduled items to U.S. customers so as long as it’s for research purposes only. Due to the necessary research label, it will not come in its original tablet form but rather as a liquid that the individual can simply drink. However, while this is a loophole in the law, if the individual isn’t making the purchase for research reasons he is technically breaking the law. If law enforcement wanted to make an issue out of this they very easily could, and it would be on you to prove the research claim. However, it is a loophole that while it may not always exist is taken advantage of by many people.

Buy Clenbuterol Online - Warning:
You can buy Clenbuterol online affordably and very easily. In fact, this will be the only way many will be able to purchase the substance. While it is not a controlled substance in the U.S. those who live in the U.S. and buy Clenbuterol online are breaking the law. The exception would be making a purchase from an RCL for research purposes only. Again, an RCL purchase is very common, but it does come with potential problems. Under dosing can be an issue, but the most common issue is an unstable product. Some RCL’s do not do a very good job with their manufacturing, and while this rarely presents any danger it will lead to the product becoming useless rather fast. Some RCL’s also manufacture their products in a high concentrated way, and this can make it very hard to dose. You can find RCL Clen that comes dosed as strong as 200mcg/ml, we’ve even in the past seen it at 300mcg/ml and this can be a difficult product to dose. However, there are some fantastic RCL’s out there who make great products that are far easier to dose, but they are heavily outnumbered by RCL’s you should avoid. Researching any RCL heavily before making a purchase is beyond important.
Due to possible legal ramifications that could exist when you buy Clenbuterol online, as well as the possible inferiority of some products, if you are looking for high quality and powerful thermogenics you are encouraged to visit the sponsors here at The sponsors here at can provide you with high quality thermogenics without the need for a prescription or any legal risk.
Clenbuterol Reviews:
Clenbuterol Hydrochloride is an excellent thermogenic, but again it is not a magical fat loss substance. If you use it, you will still need to burn more calories than you take in if you are going to lose body fat. Granted, Clen will help you burn calories at a higher rate, and in reality this could mean your caloric deficit wouldn’t need to be as great as it would without Clen. However, if you’re truly going to get a solid benefit out of it you should diet just as you without Clen and view the Clenbuterol as an added bonus. Get the most you can out of it; after all, you cannot use it non-stop, and as it can be a little annoying due to the stimulating effects you might as well maximize your use to make it worthwhile. Most importantly, while it can help you lose body fat at an accelerated rate, especially that last little bit of stubborn body fat, responsible use remains imperative. This is not the most dangerous substance on earth by any means, but abuse can get you into trouble. Severe abuse can even lead to death and that’s not worth any amount of fat loss. Use responsibly, listen to your body and diet hard, and you will ensure your Clenbuterol Hydrochloride use is worthwhile.

Purchase Clenbuterol
Those who purchase Clenbuterol commonly receive their product in both tablet and liquid form. Regardless of the form, when you purchase Clenbuterol in either fashion it is to be taken orally and exactly the same way; one form is simply solid and the other in a liquid state. Assuming both products are real, dosed correctly and of a sanitary fashion theres really no difference in either product; regardless of form, when you purchase Clenbuterol it will perform within the body the same way tablet or not. It is true, many of the liquid forms, far more so than the tablet forms are nothing short of garbage or unstable at best and hard to dose accurately. For this reason a tablet purchase is always a better bet but there are quality liquid products out there, you just need to do a little homework to ensure you find the right ones.
Why you should Purchase Clenbuterol:
Go to any message board and there are all kinds of stories and opinions regarding this bronchodilator; there are stories about how much it helps the PCT process, how it creates great synergy with an anabolic steroid cycle; the list goes on and on. It is true, Clenbuterol Hydrochloride does possess a slight anabolic nature but its hardly enough reason to supplement with it. There are truly only two good reasons anyone would ever purchase Clenbuterol, for the treatment of chronic asthma and for metabolic increasing effects, i.e. fat burning. True, you could purchase Clenbuterol in an effort to increase cardiovascular efficiency and this might be useful for some but by and large the two after mentioned reasons are the primary focus with fat burning being the primary focus of most anyone who finds themselves here.
Clenbuterol is not an anabolic steroid but it does work very well in conjunction. For the most part any anabolic steroid can be used but those who purchase Clenbuterol will generally do so when steroids that promote a leaner and harder physique are in play. While Clen will lend to this end there are other items that work well with it; for example, many people who purchase Clenbuterol often purchase thyroid hormones such as Cytomel (T3) to go along with it and many also supplement with Human Growth Hormone. It is true; a combination of Clenbuterol, Cytomel and Human Growth Hormone coupled with a solid anabolic steroid cycle will provide results impossible to obtain otherwise.
The Power of Clen:
You can purchase Clenbuterol and nothing else and receive a slight anabolic bump and ramping of the metabolism but if you choose this rout it will be slight. It is important to note the effects will be far more pronounced when an anabolic steroid cycle is at hand but while important it is hardly the most important thing. Those who purchase Clenbuterol yet fail to follow sound dieting principles will not lose any body fat; you could actually take a massive dose of Clen every single day and if you are eating like a fat pig then guess what, youre going to get fat. When we purchase Clenbuterol there is truly only one way to view it, as a supplement and the idea of a supplement is to add to the benefits, no Hydrochloride t create them. Clen can be part of the equation, a useful tool to your fat burning needs; it is however not the answer all alone.

Clenbuterol Reviews
As you scour the internet for various Clenbuterol reviews you will undoubtedly find a host of varying opinions and this can often lead to more confusion than anything else. Youll read about several methods of cycling this powerful bronchodilator for fat-burning purposes; those who swear on 2wk on/2wk off protocol, those who swear on 2 day on/2 day off protocol and those who swear up and down continuous use at a slow steady increasing dose is best. Then of course you have topics of tablet and liquid forms, what to take with it, how much to take, if you need to use steroids with it or not; the list goes on and on and for many it can be quite confusing. Without question a strong majority of these Clenbuterol reviews you read will be garbage sprinkled with half-truths but there are good ones out there but you need to know what to look for so as to understand which Clenbuterol reviews are worth your time and which ones belong in the trash. Make no mistake, there are absolute truths, even to the questions and concerns listed a few moments ago above and we will show you here what you need to know so you can spot the best Clenbuterol reviews and be left with nothing but the truth at your disposal.
Spotting Inaccurate Clenbuterol Reviews:
When truth exist for any topic there can only be one answer; facts are indisputable; two plus two will always equal four and cannot equal three or five no matter how badly someone may want that to be. We have provided you some of the basic truths here regarding Clenbuterol Hydrochloride so that when you make your search youll know what to and what not to believe.
-Clenbuterol is an anabolic steroid: If at any time any Clenbuterol reviews you find make such a statement close the page. Clenbuterol is not an anabolic androgenic steroid but a bronchodilator medication designed for the treatment of chronic asthma that further carries with it prime metabolic stimulating effects for a fat-burning effect.
-Jittery means it is working: Its no secret Clenbuterol Hydrochloride is a stimulator and as such has a stimulating effect on the individual. When use begins most will find this stimulating effect to cause a very jittery and even wired feeling and it can be of a very uncomfortable nature; however, the body begins to adapt very rapidly and for this reason the jittery feeling begins to subside rather quickly. This is one of the reasons so many use so many varying dosing and duration protocols, especially those of the 2on/2off natures regarding both days and weeks. Lets be very clear, studies have shown that while the jittery feeling may indeed begin to subside in mere days the positive metabolic effects can remain for as long as 4 weeks from one constant dose; sometimes even longer depending on the individual. Yes, the effects begin to wane but the fat-burning is still taking place and with slight bumps in dosing every few weeks the benefits can remain stable and constant through the total duration of use. If the Clenbuterol reviews you find even hint at the jittery feeling being an important factor leave the page alone as it is not worth your time.
-Clenbuterol provides a powerful anabolic effect: It is true, although not an anabolic steroid Clenbuterol Hydrochloride does have an anabolic nature; however, it is very mild. You will not grow substantially from use, in-fact you wont grow at all or notice a strength increase due to use. Even so, while its anabolic nature is low it can have a positive correlating effect in conjunction with other anabolic steroids in somewhat of a synergetic nature and even solidifying manner. Is use worthy for this purpose? Probably not, fat-burning is truly the only reason any performance enhancer will ever consider use but it is worthy of note. For this reason any of the Clenbuterol reviews you find that state otherwise; youll often find these are those of an emotional anti performance nature it will be best to steer clear.
True Clenbuterol Reviews:
Just as there are things to avoid there are key words and phrases, truths any quality review will have. Further, a quality review will be free from emotional opinion as a basis and will present facts and then give an opinion if necessary. We gave you a few examples of some of the most common inaccuracies above but there are also basic elements of truth that will guide you in searching out unbiased and truthful Clenbuterol reviews.
Clenbuterol Hydrochloride is a bronchodilator that stimulates the Beta-2 receptors
Increased metabolic function exist due to Beta stimulation
Stimulation increases body heat temperature due to increased Mitochondria heat production
Increased temperature increases the rate in-which stored fat is used for energy
Clenbuterol has been shown to reduce appetite in some
Clenbuterol can cause insomnia and muscle cramps and even headaches but all are avoidable
Clenbuterol can cause cardiac hypertrophy when doses are high and duration far extended
Clenbuterol does not suppress natural testosterone production
Clenbuterol does not suppress thyroid output.

Clenbuterol Cycle
There are many ways to plan a Clenbuterol cycle with three being the far most common with two being the most effective; yes, of these two there is one that is truly best. For a Clenbuterol cycle the options will generally be, 2 days on/2 days off, 2 weeks on/2 weeks off and continuous use with incrementing dosing throughout. We will discuss all three methods and in the end you can choose which is best for you but understand, regardless of what you decide there can only be one king; meaning only one method is truly 100% efficient.
Bursting Clenbuterol Cycle:
The 2 day on/2 day off method we may aptly call a bursting Clenbuterol cycle as that is exactly what the individual is doing by way of this method. The idea is simple; blast for 2 days with a relatively high dose and follow with nothing for 2 days and then repeat. Such use is often used for extended periods of time, even months and of the three methods we find this to be by far the most ineffective and strenuous to the body. Such a method causes a lot of undue stress and a lot of up and down activity within the body. Further, this method does not make full use of the fat-burning potential of this Beta-2 stimulator. By and large of the various forms this particular Clenbuterol cycle while it will provide results is our least favorite.
The Most Common Clenbuterol Cycle:
For years the 2 week on/2 week off Clenbuterol cycle has been the most popular among performance enhancers largely thanks to internet message boards. This is a very effective means of supplementing with this medication for fat-burning, far more so than the bursting method discussed above. Generally speaking this type of Clenbuterol cycle is very simple and begins with a low dose normally in the 20mcg-40mcg range. The individual will increase the dose every day or two until he reaches the maximum desired dose that normally falls in the 100mcg-140mcg range and then discontinue use at the 2 week mark. At this point 2 more weeks will follow with no Clenbuterol in the system and at the end of this break use will begin again, normally at the ending dose of the last run; for example, if the first 2 weeks ended with 100mcg the next course of use will begin at 100mcg. Normally the individual will hold at this dose and continue with the 2 week on/2 week off method starting with the maximum desired dose each 2 week on period after the initial 2 week period.
Incrementing Clenbuterol Cycle:
While not as popular as the 2 week on/2 week off method the incrementing Clenbuterol cycle has been fast gaining popularity over recent years and for good reason; it makes the most sense and is by far the most efficient as well as effective. The plan is very simple; starting at a low dose, generally in the 20mcg-40mcg range the individual will increase the dose 20mcg every 2-3 weeks as needed. This method allows for Clenbuterol to be used for the full extent of the diet thereby keeping the metabolism revved up through the course of the total duration.
The Common Concern:
The reason many opt for the 2 week on/2 week off Clenbuterol cycle is simple; the body adapts to the medication and by taking a break from use you are able to maintain a positive metabolic output each and every time use begins. However, this method has a problem, for when use is discontinued the metabolism slows down due to the absence of the fat-burner that heats up your body temperature; without its presence the body temperature drops due to the mitochondria now producing less heat and the metabolism slows down. Through the incremental Clenbuterol cycle this is not a problem because the medication remains in the system through the duration of the dieting phase; but what about your bodys adaptation? By slowly and steadily incrementing the dose upwards every 2-3 weeks you do not allow your body to become accustomed; it is true, the jittery feeling often associated with this bronchodilator may be less but jittery or not has nothing to do with the medication working.

Clenbuterol Dosage
A Clenbuterol dosage can vary quite dramatically from person to person and as the body adapts to this medication in-terms of its fat-burning effects generally speaking a Clenbuterol dosage must necessarily increase as use moves forward. For the majority there is a standard starting Clenbuterol dosage as well as a maximum safe level but the manner in-which the increase occurs can vary depending on the type of cycle plan implemented. Both men and women can safely and effectively supplement with this bronchodilator for the purpose of fat-loss and well discuss both so that you may find the adequate Clenbuterol dosage for you.
Initial Clenbuterol Dosage:
Regardless of your experience, a long time veteran or first time user the initial starting point will remain the same for all. Men who supplement with this Beta-2 stimulator will find 40mcg per day to be the perfect starting Clenbuterol dosage while many women will be well served at 20mcg per day. Both levels are relatively low and quite mild, however it will not take much in the initial stages and any more will largely be overkill.
Maximum Clenbuterol Dosage:
As with most things in life of this nature there is a maximum Clenbuterol dosage we must hold to if safety is going to be upheld. For most men the maximum Clenbuterol dosage will be 140mcg per day while many women will find 100mcg per day to be all they ever need. Women can exceed the 100mcg mark and go as high as 140mcg but this is rarely needed and can be a bit harsh. Those who go beyond the 140mcg per day mark begin to open themselves up to possible cardiac hypertrophy; this refers to the enlargement of ventricles and this produces a lot of stress and strain on the heart. Further, those who break the 200mcg per day range run a very serious and high risk of this occurrence and you are highly advised to avoid such doses.
Incrementing the Doses:
As the body adapts to this medication dosing must necessarily increase and the type of Clenbuterol cycle you are following will largely determine how this incremental increase will occur; for a full detailed explanation on various cycle forms see the Clenbuterol cycle section here on Of the possible methods the two most common and effective will be 2 weeks on/2 weeks off and steady incremental use. For the 2 week on/2 week off method the Clenbuterol dosage will start low and increase very quickly the first two weeks ending with the maximum desired dose. Once the next two week period begins the dosing will begin with where it left off the last time and stay at this point through the total duration of use. For steady incremental use our Clenbuterol dosage will begin low and increase in 20mcg increments; normally every 2-3 weeks. For this method the maximum dose will not be reached until the end of the diet, specifically the final 2-3 weeks.
Ending Use:
Many people who supplement with this bronchodilator will slowly ramp down over a period of time, steadily dropping the dose every few days until it is discontinued altogether. There is truly no need for such a method as it is by-large overkill and provides no strategic advantage. No, you do not want to discontinue use cold turkey, all you need to do is simply drop down to your original Clenbuterol dosage. While many women may have begun at 20mcg per day most, including women and men will find 40mcg per day for 7-14 days to be perfect and once this period has passed simply discontinue use until your next diet is at hand.

Clenbuterol Weight Loss
Theres no doubt about it, Clenbuterol and weight loss go hand-in-hand; while this was not the original intent of the medication it has proven to be a secondary trait that over the years has evolved into the primary one. The purpose of Clenbuterols development was to treat chronic asthma and other cardiovascular conditions but as is common other traits and uses were found and in this case the purpose would be greatly stimulating metabolic activity. No, Clenbuterol weight loss is not so great that it replaces sound dieting and exercise but it can greatly add to the progress you're making.
How it Works:
How does Clenbuterol weight loss occur? Clenbuterol Hydrochloride is a bronchodilator that stimulates the Beta-2 receptors. By this stimulation body temperature goes up thereby causing an increase in metabolic activity. This increase in temperature is due directly to the stimulation as it causes the mitochondria of the cells to produce and release more heat and they more heat released the greater the metabolism fires. By this process we increase the rate in-which stored body-fat is burned as it is now burned at a higher and more efficient rate. Fortunately, as you can easily see Clenbuterol weight loss does not simply refer to a reduction in total pounds but a reduction in actual body-fat.
Clenbuterol Weight Loss Is it for you?
If you are severely overweight Clenbuterol weight loss benefits may not be for you, at least not at this stage and time. Clen, as it is commonly known is not going to strip pounds and pounds off of you in order to get you to a healthier weight. For individuals who are severely overweight there are other medications that may prove to be valuable but in most cases simply following a sound diet will be your best bet. Clenbuterol weight loss benefits are more worthwhile once we are already somewhat in shape; this powerful bronchodilator can really aid in helping lose that last little bit that often hangs on for dear life.
As should come as no surprise it will be physique athletes and athletes who are needing to drop to a certain weight class who will find Clenbuterol weight loss benefits to be the most beneficial; in-fact, for this purpose we can safely say this is one of the better choices most will ever make. It should be noted, for this to be a good choice responsibility must be adhered to; massive doses of this stimulator are not advised as such doses can be very problematic and can lead to cardiac hypertrophy. Further, massive doses have proven to be useless and provide no distinct advantage in-terms of fat-loss as compared to responsible and reasonable doses. Those subscribing to Clenbuterol weight loss benefits will always be best served erring on the side of caution as otherwise can only lead to trouble and provides no benefit at all.
Super-Size Clenbuterol Weight Loss:
On its own Clenbuterol can provide fine results but there is no doubt about it, results will be far more pronounced when anabolic steroids are in play. Further, Clen appears to have a good synergetic effect with anabolic steroids as they function very well with one another. Its not secret anabolic androgenic steroids promote greater metabolic activity in their own right but there are other things we can add to truly super-size our Clenbuterol weight loss. Without question the most common addition to a Clen cycle will by the thyroid hormone Cytomel; commonly referred to as T3. Along with T3 and of greater importance nothing on earth will beat Human Growth Hormone (HGH.) If you can combine all of these items, Clen, HGH and T3 then you will have a fat-burning machine unlike any other and couple this with anabolic steroid use and youll have a physique anyone will be envious of.

Buy Clenbuterol
Of all the fat burners you can purchase quite commonly many buy Clenbuterol as it is one of the most effective. So effective those who take multiple over the counter fat burners will not enjoy or experience near the fat burning results as those who buy Clenbuterol. No, this potent bronchodilator will not replace sound dieting and exercise principles but in supplemental fashion it can provide a much desired added edge. Like all medications of any type you need to have understanding, you need to know what youre doing so that you not only experience quality results but so that you remain safe as well; thankfully for you there are many guides here on that can lend to this end. It is here however we wish to discuss the types of Clen as it is commonly known that you may indeed purchase. Of those who use Clen most will find it can come one of two ways, as an oral tablet or in a liquid solution you simply drink.
Buy Clenbuterol Tablets:
Generally speaking those who buy Clenbuterol will be best served purchasing a tablet form; Clen tablets are rarely counterfeited and quite cheap. Most commonly found in 20mcg and 40mcg form Clen tablets are very easy to control as it is very easy to control the dosing with efficiency. Did we mention theyre cheap? It is not uncommon to find top of the line Clen in 40mcg tabs at a price of $10 for 50 tablets. Granted, in most cases those who buy Clenbuterol are going to need quite a bit more than 50 40mcg tabs but the cost to benefit ratio in-terms of dollars and results is far in your favor.
Buy Clenbuterol Liquid:
Liquid Clen as it is commonly known is very popular as it is more highly available than the tablet form. The majority of those who buy Clenbuterol in its liquid state do so most commonly from liquid research sites that often sell many medications such as Clen, peptide hormones and sexual aids for the purpose of research. There are a few problems for those who buy Clenbuterol in this fashion and if you desire to make such a purchase you need to be aware of them.
Liquid Clen can be found in just about any dose imaginable; however, in general, the most common doses will be 50mcg/ml, 100mcg/ml and 200mcg/ml. While this seems very simple actual dosing can be a little difficult as some of these research companies mix their product in a bit of an unstable way; meaning, with each milliliter you draw out you may be getting less or more of the intended dose and it may vary each and every time. While this can be a problem the most common problem for those who buy Clenbuterol in this fashion is purchasing a bogus product; research companies are notorious for ripping people off. Make no mistake, theres a lot of good liquid Clen out there but the good to bad ratio is far in favor of the bad and you should never randomly or haphazardly buy Clenbuterol from one of these sites.
The Bottom Line:
In the end you will be best served sticking with tablets the majority of the time but you will still always want to get them from a reputable outlet; while they may not be counterfeited commonly you still want to ensure youre getting the best product of all. For those who take the liquid route, for many this is the only option and thats fine but do some digging on the research company before you make such a purchase. Once you have assurance of the source from which your product will derive and youre ready to buy Clenbuterol, be ready for one seriously powerful fat burner.
Peptides Function
Name |
Function |
Melanotan II |
Timulate the body's tanning reponse |
HG 176-191 |
the fat-reducing effects |
TB 500 |
increase muscle growth |
Oxytocin |
used for stimulation of uterus contractions |
sermorelin |
increase the development of lean body mass |
Ipamorelin |
a selective gorwth hormone secretagogue |
Melanotan I |
endogenous melanocortine peptide |
used by bodybuilders and athletes |
cause site specific muscle growth |
CJC 1295 |
increasing binding affinity to the ghrh receptors |
CJC 1295 with DAC |
improved physique and sense of well being |
PT 141 |
increase libido effects of both men and women |
GHRP-6 |
increase in strength, muscle mass, body fat loss |
More Peptides products:
Name |
Melanotan I |
10mg/vial ,10vial/box |
Melanotan II |
10mg/vial ,10vial/box |
CJC 1295 |
2mg/vial ,10vial/box |
cjc1295 dac |
2mg/vial ,10vial/box |
Sermorelin |
2mg/vial ,10vial/box |
Sermorelin |
5mg/vial ,10vial/box |
PT 141 |
10mg/vial ,10vial/box |
Ipamorelin |
2mg/vial ,10vial/box |
Ipamorelin |
5mg/vial ,10vial/box |
2mg/vial ,10vial/box |
2mg/vial ,10vial/box |
GHRP-6 |
5mg/vial ,10vial/box |
GHRP-2 |
5mg/vial ,10vial/box |
Hexarelin |
2mg/vial ,10vial/box |
Hexarelin |
5mg/vial ,10vial/box |
Thymosin Beta 4 (TB4)(TB-500) |
2mg/vial ,10vial/box |
Follistatin 344 |
1mg/vial ,10vial/box |
Oxytocin 2mg |
2mg/vial ,10vial/box |
epitalon |
10mg/vial ,10vial/box |
2mg/vial ,10vial/box |
5mg/vial ,10vial/box |
selank |
2mg/vial ,10vial/box |
selank |
5mg/vial ,10vial/box |
BPC 157 |
2mg/vial ,10vial/box |
Gonadorelin |
2mg/vial ,10vial/box |
Triptorelin GNRH |
2mg/vial ,10vial/box |
ghrh |
2mg/vial ,10vial/box |
Tesamorelin |
2mg/vial ,10vial/box |
ACE031 |
1mg/vial ,10vial/box |
GDF-8 |
1mg/vial ,10vial/box |

Post time: Nov-11-2021